Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Well, there went the summer...

Oops!  Didn't mean to take 3 months off of blogging, but here we are!  Summer 2013, let's recap, shall we?

We played with the water table.

Caden giggled a lot.

These two started becoming friends.

Sometimes we crashed.

This girl started standing & took her first steps - almost 11 months old.

We visited with Aunt Whitney & her magical iPad.

Caden built sandcastles with Nana & Papoo.

Lindley took her first dip in the ocean.

Mommy was so proud.

We spent a day at Brookgreen Gardens at the beach.

Caden hated the pool & was scared to get in.

Lindley sprouted some adorable pigtails.

And brought her tooth total to 4.

We attempted to take family pictures on the beach at sunset.

We ran around with cousins.

We goofed off with daddy.

We ate Cheerios.

We were always in style.

We napped.

And napped.

And had fun coral toes.

We celebrated our 4th anniversary (back in May).

I attended & hosted baby showers for several pregnant friends.

Lindley really started walking just before her birthday.

She turned ONE!

And made a mess of cake.

Not pictured:
Wade ran 3 weeks of basketball camp.
We joined the YMCA.
Caden eventually warmed up to the pool & started jumping in off the side.
We started to potty train Caden & quickly came to the conclusion he wasn't ready.

And now it's the beginning of another school year!  Wade will be reprising his role as assistant principal & varsity basketball coach.  I think he already feels more confident in his positions this year with a little experience under his belt.  He's gearing up for pre-season basketball workouts & open gyms, as well as his Yes I Can league that starts in September.

I'm still staying home full time, but just beginning to entertain the idea of doing freelance work again, perhaps later this fall or winter.  I hope to get in a good routine of working out (thank you YMCA childcare!), and I'll be doing Bible Study Fellowship (along with the kids) once a week.  I hope to be able to help out all of my best friends who are having babies this fall, especially one who is having triplets!

So there you have it!  We're all caught up :).