Monday, April 23, 2012

Beach trip!

This past week, Caden and I got away to the beach for a little bit.  Sadly, Wade had to work & couldn't join us.  We were there with Hillary & family for a couple days, and then dad & Pamela came down for the weekend.  The weather was hit or miss, but we got a little beach time each day and some of it was sunny & warm :).

Me and my handsome date for dinner Thursday night :)

Caden playing beach ball with dad

He loved throwing the ball around, although the wind made it difficult to retrieve with his short little legs!

He thought it was both funny and gross to eat sand.

The basketball goes everywhere with this kid.  It was also better for throwing around on the beach since it didn't blow away like the beach ball.

All done!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A sampling of Easter pictures

Yesterday (the day after Easter), the weather was gorgeous and I had a chance to take Caden outside to actually give him his Easter basket and take some pictures for the baby book :). Here's a little sample of our 14.5 month old cutie.

Just this weekend he started walking a lot more - he's been able to take steps for a month or two now, but hated it and always preferred to crawl. He still mostly prefers to crawl, but he actually voluntarily got up and walked a lot this weekend, so hopefully we're on our way to making it a full-time mode of transportation!

This might be my all-time favorite picture now. I love Caden's mouth open laughing, his hair blowing back, and Wade's face as he runs him around the yard. So cute!

Inspecting the Easter eggs

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a slightly crazy Easter this year - just busy from beginning to end. We rushed to get to the early service at church (20 minutes late), and then had nursery at the second service. Then we got home, fed Caden lunch and got him down for a nap (although he talked in his crib for over an hour before going to sleep).

Wade then had to buy a new post for our mailbox and put it all back together after a crazed Easter bunny (or teenaged girl) ran it over last night. He also mowed the grass, and I did laundry and straightened up. We had Easter dinner with the whole crew at my aunt Laurie's, which is always fun but a zoo.

Caden got his outfit messy at church, and then I took him straight from his nap to dinner in an old onesie and sweatpants, so we may have to fake some cute Easter pictures at a later date. The above is all I got. It's still cute, but it was at the end of the night and we were all a little haggard at that point! I also never got a chance to give Caden his Easter basket, so we'll have to do that tomorrow. I can only imagine how much crazier life will be next Easter!

But, Jesus is still risen, so it is well with our souls :).