Saturday, August 11, 2012

First week home

We've had a great first week home from the hospital!  My recovery has been a breeze this time, so I have been able to get back into the swing of life very quickly, which is a huge blessing.  We were even able to make it to church - all 4 of us - the day after we got home.

This was my first solo outing with both kids... to Target, when Lindley was 6 days old.  I had to get newborn diapers & pacifiers that Lindley likes.  Hillary & the girls met me there for moral support :).  It went well though, other than the fact that there is literally no room in the cart with Caden in the front seat part & L's car seat taking up the entire basket.

Caden having a snack one day...  he's so BIG now, it seems!

A rare moment with eyes open.  Girl still sleeps 98% of the time :).

Can't believe I have TWO kids!

I can already tell these days are going to go by too fast.  I remember Caden's first couple months seeming like an eternity, and I'd have to say I didn't completely enjoy them, largely because of how much of a struggle nursing was.  That part is going so much better this time, and with practically zero recovery needed from labor/birth, and already being in the swing of the pace of life as a mother, things just seem so much more manageable this time.  I know this is only the first week and things will get hectic when Lindley actually wakes up, for instance, but I'm definitely enjoying it so far!

And here's my sweet boy in the laundry basket.  He has seemed to adjust very well so far (again, I realize Lindley hasn't "woken up" yet!).  Only a normal amount of tantrums, and I haven't noticed any jealousy.  He has a very passing interest in the baby... he'll say "baby" from time to time, and look at her & touch her feet, but really doesn't care too much beyond that.

All in all, we are very blessed with these two kiddos and can't wait to watch them grow up together & see them start to interact and (hopefully) become best buds!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lindley is here!

On Thursday, August 2, 2012, at 12:50 p.m., Lindley Caroline Tapp made her grand entrance into the world!  She was 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and 20 inches long.

We are in love with this little girl already!

I was induced 2 days shy of my due date, and labor only took 4.5 hours from start to finish.  It was not painless by any means, but SO much better than labor & delivery with Caden.  It certainly helped that she was so small & my second baby :).

A few hours after she was born...  3 generations!  Her name, Lindley, comes from Linda, my mom's name.  And her middle name, Caroline, comes from my maternal grandmother, Carolyn, and Wade's maternal grandmother, Carol.

We came home from the hospital today (Saturday), and we're doing great so far!  More to come I'm sure.