Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cuteness abounds

Footie pajamas are here! It's still on the hot side during the day, but Friday's high is supposed to be in the 60's, and it is September after all, so I broke out the footie pajamas for Caden the other night :). Up until now he hasn't had dedicated "pajamas" - he just slept in the same onesies he wore during the day (a fresh one if the day's outfit was dirty, but still, day and night wear were interchangeable).

But, as he gets older and probably starts to have more of a bedtime routine (i.e. I might actually start to read to him before bed, or give him baths more often), having actual pajamas seems to be in order. Plus, there's just nothing cuter than a baby in pajamas, ready for bed!

Friday, September 9, 2011

New toy & new skill

Caden is working on his standing skills, so he's excited about this music & lights play table we borrowed from Aunt Hillary! He also stands at his bookshelf in his room pulling books off the shelves, or at the ottoman or couch in the den, trying to grab the remote, the iPod Touch, or any other electronic device that he's not supposed to have. I swear, the boy is obsessed with everything that is not a baby toy!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First few beach pictures

I'll post some more, but here is a sampler to start you out.

First day, headed to the beach!

Watching the waves with mommy.


Riding on daddy's shoulders.

Looking so little compared to my daddy!