Sunday, November 11, 2012

Update on our fall

We've been keeping very busy over here this fall!

The last weekend of October, I took the kids up to Hart Square for the annual festival.  We had a great time!  They did well on the drive, except for Lindley crying off and on for the HOUR AND A HALF we sat in traffic to get in the gate.  I certainly didn't blame her for that though.

It was fun to see Caden get to walk around and explore things this year, since he was just 9 months when we went last year.  He wandered everywhere & made friends with all he met.  He liked the sheep & goats & horses the best I think.

The kids got to sport their Halloween costumes a couple times - here we are at Hillary's neighborhood playgroup.  Lindley is a lion, and Caden is a skunk (both hand-me-down costumes from friends!).  By the time we got to actual Halloween night, I was too tired to put their costumes on again & go trick-or-treating, but we did go to some friends' house and sit in the driveway with a fire in the fire pit, passing out candy.

I love fall in North Carolina!  This was the view from our back door a couple weeks ago.

Wade has been working a lot - surprise, surprise.  Pre-season stuff for varsity basketball is busy in itself, combined with running another basketball league on the weekends, and of course his actual main job of assistant principal.  Now that basketball season has started, he has practice or games every day of the week, plus shootaround on Saturdays.  He doesn't get to see the kids much, so moments like this one are pretty special - when he was home one afternoon and just hung out with Caden for a little bit.

He sure does love his daddy!

Our sweet Lindley is already 3 months old!  She's finally getting less fussy and is giving me lots of smiles & even coos now.  She was sleeping 12 hours straight at night for two weeks...  the time change messed her up a little, and she's gotten back to about 10 hours now, which is still pretty good :). 

She's holding her head up well & loves to watch the high school basketball games when we go watch daddy coach.  I'm glad we're starting to get to a more fun stage with her - the newborn months are not my favorite at all.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is already next week, and then it'll be time to think about Christmas!  This time last year, Caden was still a baby, and I had no idea that our little girl was already growing and would be an irreplaceable part of our family by now.  I'm so thankful for the way God planned our family and gave us these sweet kids to raise.  They are truly a blessing!