Friday, June 22, 2012

So proud

I just wanted to post to say I am SO PROUD of my hubby, who, at the ripe old age of 27, is going to be the Assistant Principal of the CDS High School next year, as well as the Varsity Men's Basketball Head Coach (and, not to mention, a father of two!).  It is going to be a tough & busy year with all of that - in addition to finishing his master's degree - but I know he will be great at each of those roles.

Congratulations Wade!  I love you!

Friday, June 15, 2012

30 (and 33 weeks)

Well, I turned the big 3-0 yesterday!  It was a pretty regular day, but I did enjoy a wonderful dinner at P.F. Chang's with much of the family.  The food was delicious, it was great to have everyone together, and Caden behaved like an angel from heaven for all 3 hours!  That might have been the best birthday present of all :).  It's crazy to think that I'm now the age my dad was when I was born, and I'm having my second child too...  In 30 more years, I could be going on 4 grandchildren like he is!

Today is back to reality, as Wade left for team camp in Myrtle Beach for the weekend, and Caden is behaving like a toddler again.  He's not a bad kid by ANY means, but man, is it tiring to parent and correct and remind and praise and clean up and fix food and change diapers and be patient and gentle day in and day out with a toddler.  Since he is unable to communicate most of what he wants or needs, he has started this whole screaming/hitting/tantrum thing.  If something frustrates him, or a toy isn't doing what he wants, or he's tired or hungry, or I am not picking him up or getting his food ready fast enough, he just lets out a super loud, ear-piercing scream and/or hits me and/or throws the toy and has a fit.

I say "no screaming" or "no hitting" or "be gentle" about 200 times a day, but it is so frustrating to me because it just never seems to make a difference.  He still screams or hits in that moment when he is frustrated.  I have to constantly remind myself that all these things are phases, and although it seems like my instruction and patient reminders are doing NOTHING and he will NEVER learn, he really will, eventually.  Eventually, he will be able to say words to express himself, and eventually he will understand the concept of obedience and be able to respond to me.

Meanwhile, I am now 33 weeks pregnant...  7 more to go!  It's starting to feel like it is dragging at this point, but I think part of that is due to the long, tiring days of dealing with the aforementioned toddler :).  I have plenty to do, between Caden & housework & errands & working from home, so I'm sure when August comes, I'll look back & wonder how it is already my due date.  But baby girl still seems perfectly healthy & everything is going smoothly, so I'll just keep dealing with my one child until I have to figure out how to manage two!