Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life lately

It's been just a LITTLE busy around here lately.  Basketball season has consumed us (Wade), along with grad school too.  It was a tough season - a lot of very close losses - but the team never gave up, so I know Wade is proud of his guys.

In the midst of it, Caden turned TWO!  We had the family over for soup, salad, cake & ice cream.  For the second year, Caden was not enthused by the birthday cake.  I think it was more the fire (candles) - because he's very anti-hot things, and everybody singing and looking at him that made him upset.

He got this awesome wagon from my dad, and this board with all different locks and stuff to play with from Aunt Laurie.

And a fun tunnel from Aunt Hillary!

This is Caden & Lindley playing with my friend's son, Ethan, who comes over every Monday while his mom teaches.

And our baby girl is 6 months old already!  She's sitting up better every day and rocking on her knees a lot.  She pulled herself forward a few times at about 5.5 months, but hasn't done it much since.

She's getting to be a chunker too...  she's well into 9 month clothes now and could easily outgrow them in the next month or so.  I'm worried she's going to overtake Riley, her 14-months-older cousin!  I may have to actually buy some clothes for her in the absence of hand-me-downs :).

Lindley is getting more regular with her 2 naps a day - around 11 a.m. and 2:30 or 3 p.m.  She goes to bed about 7 p.m.  Sometimes she gets up around 5:30-6:30 a.m. to eat & go back to sleep, and sometimes she sleeps all the way til 7 or 7:30.  She will not take a bottle, so I do all the feeding & putting her down.  She is doing better with solid foods too... it took her about a month to get the hang of it, and she didn't like carrots or pumpkin.  But she's had sweet potatoes, pears, applesauce, green beans & butternut squash that she liked.

I'm looking forward to the spring & summer - warmer weather, a lighter schedule for Wade, mobile children, daylight in the evenings, more walks & playground time.  Caden did the climbing wall at the playground the other day by himself twice.  It's about 8 feet tall - I definitely could not totally spot him at the very top.  I was praying he wouldn't fall from there!

My new year's resolutions are, um... not going so well.  I'm still flossing my teeth every day!  That's about it.  Going to bed at 10:00 just was not working because I couldn't fall asleep.  And then Lindley started getting up earlier, cutting into my potential workout time.  Plus working out at 6 a.m. is just not an ideal time for me.  I really need it to be 9 or 10 a.m., which unfortunately does not work with children!  Maybe someday, if I can join the Y... :).