Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's a GIRL!

We had our anatomy ultrasound yesterday, and everything with baby #2 looks good. We (especially I) were so excited to find out we're having a girl! I had been almost positive it was a girl so far in the pregnancy... can't really explain why, but I guess mama's intuition was right on. I won't go way overboard with the pink (I don't think), but I did have to pick up one girly item on the way home, just to celebrate :).

Almost 19 weeks now, which means I'm almost halfway through. This pregnancy is flying by! I still have pretty much no symptoms, although a little baby bump has finally popped out. It does seem like I am carrying her differently than Caden, which makes sense I guess. If the rest of the pregnancy (and delivery and newborn stage) is this easy, Wade may be able to convince me to have a third... but we'll see :).

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Go Heels!

We had a blast tonight watching the Heels get revenge on Duke at Cameron Indoor Stadium (well, Caden & I did - Duke fan dad maybe not so much)! Some "old" college friends had a get-together for the game, so it was great to see faces I hadn't seen in years and relive all the old college stories :). Caden was a great sport, staying up and mostly happy until about 10:30 p.m.!