Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a great Christmas this year!

We got Lindley and Caden up just before 9:00 and came downstairs.  
They chilled on the couch for a bit. 

I made pumpkin pancakes, with and without chocolate chips.  
They were so good - I think I'm going to have to make that a Christmas tradition. 

Caden got a cute snowman sippy cup in his stocking :).  
It was so something my mom would have bought, so I couldn't resist.

Lindley realized she had forgotten to buy presents for everyone.

Nana & Pappu (Wade's parents) and Aunt Whitney came over to have breakfast & open presents with us.  I love this picture of Lindley smiling at Nana.

Caden loved this wooden truck/car set from his grandparents. 
Sweet Paisley had to be in the middle of it all, of course.

Caden was finally into opening presents, which was fun.

He started playing with each toy he got right away. 
He really loved the Little Tikes car!  Wade brought it in from the garage after all the presents had been opened.  Caden got up & ran over & hopped inside immediately.  It was so cute. 
After the kids napped & my dad came over briefly, we headed to my aunt Laurie's house for dinner and more celebrations with her family, my sister's family & dad.
Caden ran around and played with his cousins most of the night, and Lindley enjoyed being held by various family members.

I didn't get any pictures, but the day after Christmas we celebrated with dad's sister & brother & associated families, which was fun as well!  The last couple days we've just been trying to clean up, put gifts in their places, and get the kids back on normal eating & sleeping schedules.

Getting ready to ring in the new year Atlanta-style!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Boy + girl

This is just a brief post to get these cutie patooties out there in the blogosphere a little more.

I couldn't resist snapping a couple pics of the kids together the other day. 

Caden is into giving kisses these days.  He asks for a kiss every time I put him down for a nap or bedtime, and that's his cue to lay down and go to sleep (it generally works, although he's started asking for another... and another... and...).  So here he is giving Lindley a kiss.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

4 months old!

 Our Lindley girl is 4 months old now!  She's pretty cute, but I'll let the pictures do the talking on that.

She's getting much better head control now and can somewhat sit on my hip when I hold her and sit up supported.  She lasted about 1 second when I tried to take a picture of her sitting up by herself.  It's still early though :).

Baby girl is wearing 3-6 month clothes, and size 2 diapers (size 3 at night).  She usually goes to bed between 8-9 p.m., and wakes up between 7:30-8:30 a.m.  Another good sleeper - praise the Lord for that!  She nurses 5-6 times a day and takes a few naps (nothing set in stone yet).

She started grasping toys (of her own accord) the day she turned 4 months.  So if you put something in her lap, she'll pick it up now and look at it or chew on it.

Still a little short for the jumperoo.  I'm sure I could adjust the height settings, but I ended up just putting a couple cushions under it for now.

She does better in this bouncer, hanging from the doorway from our kitchen to the laundry room.  Right now she'll sit in it happily for maybe 20 minutes, but hopefully that will get longer the more she figures out how to bounce, and with improved body control.

Not to be left out, this little guy is quickly approaching TWO!  He got a real haircut a couple weeks ago, which makes him look even more little boy-ish.  He's wearing 2T pants and 3T tops, and size 7.5-8 shoes.

These are his new Christmas friends.  He lined them up on the steps & sat down beside them all by himself :).

All decked out for Christmas!

 The faithful fake tree.  I still like the way it looks & the money it saves on not buying a tree every year!

I finally sewed letters on rest of our stockings, so we're all represented now!  (Paisley's is behind mine because we only have 4 hooks.)

Christmas is coming soon!  Caden has picked up the words "Christmas," "Jesus," and "birthday" recently.  Trying to get him to connect that we celebrate Jesus' birthday on Christmas :).  He's also started asking to read his Bible all the time - it is the sweetest thing ever.  He knows who David & Goliath, Daniel (and the lions), Jonah (and the whale), Jesus & Zacchaeus are when we get to those pages.  I love seeing him learn and am amazed whenever he whips out something I had no idea he knew!